It’s important to know what emergencies are covered under your home insurance policy. Though the specifics of coverage can vary from policy to policy, home insurance typically covers things like fire and even mold. One area that’s often not covered by insurance policies, however, is flooding.
Though flooding caused by excess rain and overflowing bodies requires professional emergency repair, many homeowners will have to find another way to pay for the cost.
As an emergency water damage repair company in the Springfield, Ohio area, we’ve heard our fair share of customers wonder why their flood damage wasn’t covered under their current policy. Though we aren’t insurance agents, we do regularly work with insurance companies, which has provided us with some insight on the situation.
Home Insurance and Water Damage
There are certain types of water damage that are generally covered under insurance policies. The most common situation is a burst pipe, which could result in flooding. If your home floods due to a burst pipe, the damage will likely be covered (unless it burst due to neglect). Water damage caused by irrigation systems, water heaters, fire sprinklers, and other water-based appliances is also usually covered.
However, water damage caused by floods, melting snow, excess rain fall, or backed up sewage drains generally isn’t covered by a standard insurance policy.
This is likely because flood risk can vary greatly from home to home. If someone lives in town, far away from any bodies of water, their home is much less likely to flood than someone who lives by a local river, lake, or ocean. It doesn’t make sense that flood coverage would automatically be included in their policy. By comparison, all homes face a reasonable risk of fire, storm damage, or vandalism regardless of their location.
Of course, virtually any home can still experience a flood, especially if it has a basement. However, taking steps such as installing a sump pump, cleaning your gutters, and even strategic landscaping can help you avoid sustaining serious damage in most cases.
If you live in an area where there is a higher risk of flooding, flood insurance is available through FEMA, as well as select private insurers. Talk to your insurance agent or visit the FEMA website to learn more about that.
Whether you have insurance coverage or not, you should always use a professional for emergency repairs. For emergency damage repair, Reliant Restoration is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.