Mold Removal and Remediation
Mold isn’t just unsightly. It’s destructive and dangerous. Left unchecked, mold can spread quickly throughout a home or office building, causing damage while posing health risks to those present. Mold spores can cause respiratory inflammation, allergic reactions, and more.
Reliant Restoration offers fast and effective mold remediation in the Springfield, OH area, removing and repairing contaminated areas and stopping mold at the source. Contact us today and restore order to your property.
The Dangers of Mold
When mold starts spreading in your home or office, you need to act fast. People living or working around mold are likely to experience reactions such as stuffiness and coughing, as well as eye, throat, and skin irritation.
Those with immune deficiencies, lung conditions, or increased sensitivity to mold may even experience lung infection.
Mold can be found indoors or outdoors, forming in places that are dark and moist. Often, mold starts in areas you can’t see like vents, windows, or HVAC systems. Mold can generally be controlled by maintaining proper humidity levels.
However, if your home experiences flooding, a burst pipe, or any other sudden increase in moisture, mold can appear rapidly. When it does, you need professional mold removal services.

24/7 Mold Removal in Springfield, OH and Beyond
At Reliant Restoration, we provide emergency mold remediation and removal to Springfield, OH and the surrounding area. Our goal is to stop mold before it can spread and cause further damage. This is done through careful cleaning, removal, and restoration.
Thanks to our extensive experience removing mold from Springfield, OH homes, we know what causes mold, where it grows, and how to best take care of it.
Even if you can’t see it, if you think there’s mold growing in your home, contact a professional before it becomes a serious problem. For mold remediation in the greater Springfield, OH area, contact Reliant Restoration today.