Home insurance is something you always hope you never have to actually use. Should that day come, however, it’s important that it properly covers your needs. This is especially true for emergency home repairs. Repairing your home after its sustained damage isn’t something you can delay.
Insurance coverage can help provide the funds needed to get the repairs started. That is, if the damage is covered by your policy.
As an emergency restoration company, we have seen people’s homes damaged by uncovered circumstances that they assumed they were protected against. While no policy is going to cover every potential scenario, it is good to have an idea beforehand of what is and is not covered by your policy.
The best way to find out that answer is to speak with your insurance company or agent. Policies can vary quite a bit from person to person. That said, here is what typically is and is not covered by home owners insurance.
What Insurance (Usually) Covers
Situations typically covered under home insurance policies include:
- Weather damage (outside of flooding)
- Fire and smoke damage
- Damage caused by theft or vandalism
- Explosions
- Damage caused by vehicles
Water damage is one area that can be highly situational. Usually, insurance will cover damage caused by a burst pipe or malicious activity. It will also typically include water damage stemming from a fire sprinkler system, outdoor irrigation systems, water heaters, or other water-based appliances.
In addition to covering repairs for the home, you will receive coverage for lost property. If you are unable to live in your home, your policy may cover temporary housing as well.
What Insurance Doesn’t (Usually) Cover
There are a few things that are rarely covered under a basic home insurance policy. That isn’t to say there aren’t insurance options available for these situations. But you will likely need to speak to your insurance company about how to attain that coverage.
Home insurance policies generally do not cover water damage from floods, sewage drains, or water damage that has stemmed from neglect. Actually, neglect and a lack of maintenance can potentially undo your coverage in a number of situations.
Policies also don’t typically cover earthquakes, though that’s not something Ohioans have to worry too much about.
Also, as we mentioned in a previous post, your home insurance policy won’t cover the property or needs of anyone who is paying you rent. Whether you’re renting the whole house or just a room, the person will need their own renters insurance policy.
Getting Your Home Repaired
Even if you don’t ultimately have coverage for the damage you’ve sustained, there are other potential ways to pay for emergency repairs. You shouldn’t try to hold off on repairs or take care of them yourself in an attempt to save some money. Thoroughness, skill, and experience are critical when it comes to emergency repairs.
With Reliant Restoration, you can trust that the job will be done correctly. At Reliant Restoration, we provide residential and commercial restoration services for properties damaged by water, fire, wind, hail, ice, mold, and more. We are available and ready to respond 24/7/365.
Whether you have insurance coverage or not, we can work to accommodate your situation. For storm, water, mold, and fire damage restoration in the Springfield, Ohio area, contact us today!