Most Common Causes of Smoke Damage

Dealing with smoke damage in or around your home can be frustrating and time consuming. Smoke damage can be detected in a few different forms. It will usually show up as discoloration on walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, or pretty much any surface of your home. Smoke damage can also be detected from the unpleasant smell it leaves behind and this smell is often times permanent when not treated properly. 

Fires within your home

Now this may seem obvious to many but most in home smoke damage is caused by a house fire. Unfortunately, even rooms that were not affected by the flames of the fire can be subject to smoke damage as smoke can travel anywhere within your home. 

Look for smoke damage even in the cases of small fires or a situation that almost became a fire. Thankfully, you may not have had actual flames but chances are there was a good amount of smoke that tipped you off to prevent the fire. 

Fires within proximity of your home

Did you know that fires nearby your house can introduce smoke damage to your home? We know it doesn’t seem fair, but if your neighbor’s house has a fire or you live within proximity of a wild fire your house is at risk of smoke damage. Be aware of what is going on around you and check for damage if you find yourself in this situation.

Cigarette Smoke

Another common cause of smoke damage within your home or outside your home is cigarette smoke. If you or someone within your home smokes cigarettes, that smoke can cause lasting damage in any area they choose to smoke.

 It is encouraged that smoking is not done indoors for risk of fire, but it will also cause long term damage to your walls, ceilings, and furniture. 

Additionally, check any outdoor area that smoking is done frequently. Many go to the same spot to smoke each day, if this is near your house, you could be accumulating some exterior smoke damage as well. 

As you can see, most causes of smoke damage are pretty obvious, but smoke damage itself isn’t always obvious to homeowners. If any of the above situations apply to you and your home, be on the lookout for smoke damage. 

Our experts in smoke damage restoration around Springfield, Ohio are always available to assess and eliminate smoke damage in your home. The sooner you call Reliant Restoration, the easier it will be to have your home fully restored from the damage!

Dealing with smoke damage in or around your home can be frustrating and time consuming. Smoke damage can be detected in a few different forms. It will usually show up as discoloration on walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, or pretty much any surface of your home. Smoke damage can also be detected from the unpleasant smell it leaves behind and this smell is often times permanent when not treated properly. 

For some homeowners, the cause of smoke damage is obvious, they find it after a house fire within their home or know someone smokes within their home. For others, however, smoke damage can go undetected or unnoticed for awhile, causing further damage than necessary.

Smoke damage is something that can be taken care of or eliminated when treated properly and efficiently. Wait too long to address smoke damage in your home and you run the risk of the repair being more expensive and time consuming.

To help you detect and eliminate smoke damage as soon as possible we have put together the most common causes of smoke damage for any homeowner to be aware of.  

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